Birmingham New Street Departure Board: Departures New Street

Birmingham New Street Departure Board: Departures New Street

Birmingham New Street Departure Board: If you to travel to Birmingham by train, you can access Birmingham New Street Station timetable, arrivals, and departures online at The website is much more user-friendly to navigate through. It is very convenient to find all the information online.

It can save you time and help you plan your journey. You can find out how many trains runs at a particular time. You can also find out whether the particular train is running on time or not if you travel by that specific train.

Birmingham New Street Departure Board

Birmingham New Street is the largest of the three main city centers in Birmingham City Centre, UK. It is located at B2 4QA, Birmingham. The station has been redeveloped to turn it into a major transport and shopping hub.

The station provides several facilities and amenities which include toilets and baby changing facilities, changing rooms, cash dispensers, luggage storage, trolleys, photo booths, Wi-fi, a water fountain, parking, disabled access, food, drink, shopping, etc.

Tickets Availability at Birmingham New Street Station

The ticket office is located in the middle. Opening times are 24 hours from Monday to Saturday and 07:30 – 00:00 on Sunday. More ticket machines are located opposite Boots. Tickets can also be purchased from the train companies serving Birmingham New Street.

Departures Board

Departures Board

You will find departure boards at several places at the station. Besides that, you can view the departures board online at To view the departure board, you click the tab ‘Departures’, it will display details of the trains which include destinations, departure time, expected time, platform, and operator.

Similarly, you can view the arrivals board by clicking the tab ‘Arrivals’. This displays the stations from which trains are arriving, arrival time, expected time, platform number, and operator.

Travel Mobile App

National Railway has developed a Travel Mobile app. The app can be downloaded for free for Android as well as iOS devices. The app can be downloaded for free. You can view timetables, arrival dashboards, departure dashboards, tickets, and more by launching the app.

Customer Support

If you have to make any inquiries for tickets, train times, or real-time train information, you can visit or call 03457 48 49 50. Read more articles on lookup.

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